Free Confidence Tips

In all my years of helping people create more abundance in their lives, this issue keeps cropping up again and again:

How the heck can you create abundance unless you have confidence?

I still don’t have an answer for this – but here’s a solution: build the confidence you need to succeed in any area of life.

Start with these free confidence tips, with my blessings and best wishes.

via Free Confidence Tips

Cool way to brainstorm your marketing!

If you would rather have a root canal than market your biz, check this out.

If you’re like most new or accidental entrepreneurs, marketing is one of your biggest challenges. It has to be done, but even if you know where to begin, you’d rather have a root canal, right?

Help is here

Diane A. Curran offers some fabulous, fun and creative tools for dreaming up marketing ideas –  her book/card deck/playbook trilogy, “The Marketing Deck.”

I love the combination of marketing savvy and soul intuition! It makes marketing more fun than I imagined possible.

Get some great tips on Diane’s live video consultation with me on FB at

You never know what creative ideas could pop up for your own biz when you watch … Enjoy!

FB live DianeACurran with Moira Shepard cascade

If you’d like to try out Diane’s “Marketing Deck” for yourself, you’ll find it here.

Full disclosure: I’m one of Diane’s fans, not an affiliate … who just wants to make it easy for you to find this fun and easy marketing resource.

Happy marketing, my friend!

[Video] 3 Cool Ways to Build Mental Confidence

You have every reason for confidence. You are greater than you know.

“Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts.” – Gautama Buddha

It’s hard to gain or keep confidence when you allow painful thoughts to chip away at your spirit day after day.

If you would like 3 cool ways to build mental confidence by responding to your thoughts, instead of reacting to them …

Check out this video:


Enjoy, my friend!

Wishing you a wonderful day, today and every day.

You deserve it.

[Video] 6 Cool Ways to Feel More Confident

Stop letting resentment suck away your confidence

Do you realize that regret and resentment drain your confidence and energy?

If you would like to stop doing that now, forgiveness needs to happen.

If that sounds crazy or silly to you, check this out:

Some folks think forgiveness is for wimps, but Gandhi – who knew about a bit about courage – tells us,

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

Strangely enough, when you find the strength to forgive, it gives you more confidence and power in every area of your life. That’s because everything is connected to everything else, on account of we’re all One.

Go forth with confidence, my friend, knowing that you never walk alone.



Have You Misplaced Your Confidence?

You get better results when you put your faith in love rather than fear.

In a world where anything can happen, you need confidence now more than ever just to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

If you’ve lost faith in yourself (or never had it), check out this video.

Let go of any belief that if you have faith in yourself and do the right thing, nothing bad will happen to you.

That belief only creates suffering, because that’s not how life works.

This is how life works: Stuff happens.

You get through it by putting one foot in front of the other.

So, choose to believe that if you have faith in yourself, you will be able to handle whatever life brings your way.

You have more courage, strength, and wisdom than you know.

I believe in you.

Go well.

Confidence is Sexy

Confidence draws people like catnip

Confidence is sexy. Magnetic.
It attracts soulmates who adore you …
Friends who love and support you and your dreams …
Clients who believe in you, respect you and brag about you to their friends …
Even success itself.
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You know how vital confidence is for success in any area of your life, so …
  • You give yourself pep talks
  • You plaster your walls with vision boards and inspiring quotes
  • You visualize your goals until you’re cross-eyed
And yet, confidence eludes you … and so do your dreams, left to languish in the “it might have been” swamp of shame and regret.
Want some help with that?
Let the FREE healing circle “Feel Confident Here and Now” help you develop faith in yourself.
If you think it’s time you started moving in the direction of your dreams – join us!
In this 30-minute guided meditation, you will:
  • Discover how to build emotional confidence and keep it strong
  • Release unconscious beliefs like “I am not enough” and “There is something wrong with me,” which defeat you before you start
  • Gain a new understanding of how gifted and powerful you really are so you can start attracting the great people and marvelous opportunities that have been waiting to meet you
If this sounds good to you, click on this link to register for this free healing meditation.
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Can’t make the live call? Sign up here anyway to get:
  • A generous 30% discount on private coaching with Moira
  • Links to the free limited-time replay sent directly to your inbox
You are a blessing to all of us, my dear. Please consider sharing yourself and your one-of-a-kind gifts. They are needed. You are needed.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, my friend.
I hope to see you in our healing circle.
In the meantime, wishing you a wonderful day!

The #1 Way You Sabotage Yourself

When you stop doing this, amazing things can happen

When Sean turns six years old, he begs for piano lessons.

His father George agrees to hire a teacher on a trial basis for one month.

George listens in as Sean’s fingers touch the keys and slowly play “Chopsticks.”

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When Sean hits a sour note, his father winces. “Can’t even play ‘Chopsticks,’ George mutters to himself. “This will be a waste of money.”

The piano teacher, Mrs. Jones, tells Sean’s parents he had great potential. Sean’s mother Amy agrees to pay for her son’s lessons when George says he will fire Mrs. Jones after her month’s trial has ended.

—–>>> Flash forward to Sean at 18

“Dad, I’ve been accepted into Juilliard!” Sean whoops, waving the letter of acceptance at George.

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“What?! You can’t expect me to pay for that!” George roars.

“You don’t have to! I’ve been given a full scholarship, Dad – you don’t have to pay a dime!” Sean takes his father’s hands as if to lift him up and dance him around the room.

George stays glued to his seat. “What’s the matter with those Juilliard people?” he growls. “Since when do they give out scholarships to kids who can’t even play ‘Chopsticks’?”

—–>>> Flash forward to Sean at 36

“Dad, I just had to tell you the wonderful news!” Sean shouts into his phone. “My opera won the Pulitzer Prize!”

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“No way!” George snarls. “They must have really lowered their standards, giving out Pulitzers to kids who can’t play ‘Chopsticks.’”


What do you think about a father like George, who keeps throwing Sean’s youthful errors into his face?

Do you think George believes shaming Sean has spurred him to greater heights of accomplishment?

Do you think Sean would achieve less or more if he had his father’s support?

father and child hands

Do you talk to yourself the way George talks to Sean?

This is the #1 way you sabotage yourself

When you shame yourself, confidence and motivation jump out the window. Inspiration drains away. A part of you dies.

Do you think you would accomplish less or more if you stopped shaming yourself over mistakes you made years ago – or five minutes ago?

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Would you like to stop shaming yourself now?

If so, say “Yes” out loud or in your heart now.

Inhale, taking a deep breath. Imagine pure white light filling the center of your mind, the center of your heart and the base of your spine.

Exhale, imagining the white light spreading out to fill your entire body, being, and field of consciousness.


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If you would like more help letting go of the self-shaming that sabotages you, let the FREE healing circle “Feel Confident Here and Now” support you in becoming more supportive of yourself, your dreams and your goals.

We meet online and by phone at 5 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on Tuesday, April 10, so you can join us from anywhere in the world.

In this 30-minute guided meditation, you will:

  • Discover how to build emotional confidence and keep it strong
  • Release unconscious beliefs like “I am not enough” and “There is something wrong with me,” which defeat you before you start
  • Gain a new understanding of how gifted and powerful you really are so you can start attracting the great people and marvelous opportunities that have been waiting to meet you

If this sounds good to you, click on this link to register for this free healing meditation.

Can’t make the live call? Register anyway to get free access to the limited-time replay. The healings work just as well whether you listen live or later.

Hope to see you there, my dear friend!


Reason #2 Why It’s Hard to Get Clarity

If you fear change, check this out

Click here to listen to this healing meditation

It can be hard to get clarity if part of you believes having clarity will trigger scary changes in your life.

If you tend to feel confused about what you want or how to get it …

Chances are you have unconscious beliefs that if clarity happens, disaster will ensue.

Damaged by-igor-rand-354192It’s not your fault

If you’re like most people, you have limiting beliefs lurking beneath the surface of your mind that you don’t even know you have.

All you know is, you want clarity – and it’s just not happening.

Frustrating, right?

It may be that your unconscious mind blocks your clarity because it believes something like:

  • If I get clarity, I’ll have to leave behind everyone and everything, and move to a strange new place
  • If I get clarity, I’ll realize how unhappy I am, and that will make me more miserable than ever
  • If I get clarity, I’ll have to quit my job and then I’ll end up homeless

Want some help undoing the unconscious beliefs keeping you from seeing the truth that will set you free?

  • Would you like your Higher Power to show you why clarity serves you better than confusion?
  • Would you like to know what you would really have to do if you got clarity, in relation to what you thought you would have to do?
  • Would you like to understand the true extent of your free will?
  • Would you like to know how much power you truly have, and why it is safe for you to know this now?

If you would like these healing downloads, please say “Yes” out loud now.


Imagine shimmering golden light shining down through the top of your head and filling your body.

Notice how you feel.

Good job! Thank you!

Click here to listen to this healing meditation

I truly appreciate your taking the time to read this, and perhaps allow this healing if it feels right to you.

What would you do if you had clarity? Please share your thoughts in the comment box below … and have a great day!

One Way Clarity Makes Your Life Easier

If indecision keeps you stuck, check this out

Wouldn’t it be great if you could make up your mind about the important stuff – like your work, your purpose, or your relationship – with ease and grace?

Clarity makes that possible.

First, let’s get clear about what clarity is.

It’s knowing:

  • What you want to be
  • What you want to do
  • What you want to have

When you have clarity, your life gets easier right away because …

Decisions become a no-brainer

confidence andre-hunter-62014When you know what you want to be, do, and have, you can examine every choice through the lens of: “Does this option take me closer to, or further from, what I want?”

If it takes you further from what you want, you say “No” to that choice.

If it takes you closer to what you want, you say “Yes” to that choice.

If you’re not sure, flip a coin – heads for Yes, tails for No.

Whichever way you hope the coin comes up, you have your answer.

Your hope reveals what you truly want.

Choose what you want with confidence, knowing that it wants you as much as you want it.confidence psychology-2647941_1280Would you like to find your way to clarity now?

It can be hard to clear the clouds of confusion and doubt all by yourself.

The good news is, you don’t have to.

Join tonight’s FREE “Get Clarity” Healing Circle to get support in finding out what you want to be, do and have – so you can start walking toward the life calling out to you.

We meet tonight at 5 p.m. Pacific Time online and by phone, so you can join us from anywhere in the world … and I would love it if you do.

Can’t make it tonight? Sign up anyway to get access to the replay



Healing Circle warren-wong-323107-unsplashIn our 30-minute guided meditation, you will:

  • Discover why you’ve felt confused about what you want – and clear it up
  • Release unconscious beliefs like “I can never have what I want” and “If I know what I want I’ll have to do something about it,” which block clarity from coming to you
  • Gain a new understanding of what is possible for you, so you can get out of your own way and get on with creating the richly fulfilling life you deserve

Whether you listen live or later, this healing circle will help you find your way to the clarity that makes indecision a thing of the past.

Sign up here to join tonight’s FREE healing circle.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, my dear friend.

May this day bring you many delightful surprises!

Reason #1 Why It’s Hard to Get Clarity

You lose touch with yourself when you lose sight of your dreams

Click here to listen to this healing meditation

It can be hard to have clarity if part of you believes clarity is a really bad idea.

If you tend to feel confused about what you want or how to get it, chances are you have unconscious beliefs blocking your ability to set and reach goals that are meaningful to you.

It’s not your fault

If you’re like most people, you grew up hearing “No!” a lot – from parents, teachers, big brothers and other authority figures.

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Maybe you stopped asking for what you want because you knew your request would be refused – so why bother to ask?

Maybe you even pretended you didn’t want anything, to avoid the pain and shame of yet another “No.”

Repressing desires that you feel sure will go unsatisfied is a normal way of protecting yourself from disappointment.

The downside: you lose yourself when you lose touch with your dreams and desires.

So, if you have trouble getting clear about your dreams or goals, it may be because a very strong, smart, loving part of you believes that if you get clarity, something bad will happen.

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Here’s the bottom line

It’s impossible to create a fulfilling life unless you know what fulfills you.

This involves knowing what you want, need, and value – the first step to turning your dreams into your reality.

Part of you already knows. More clarity will come when confusion stops serving you.

You see, getting clarity can seem scary if your wounded inner child believes clarity = disappointment, rejection, or shame. What sane person wants that?

So, none of your blocks to clarity will go away until your unconscious mind believes it is safe for you to know what you want and how to get it.

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Want some help with that?

  • Would you like your Higher Power to show you why it is safe for you to have clarity now?
  • Would you like to know what will happen if you have clarity, in relation to what you have imagined would happen?
  • Would you like to know why it is safe for you, and safe for others, for you to know and reach for your dreams now?
  • Would you like to know how to confidently take the next step now?

If you would like these healing downloads, please say “Yes” out loud now.

Imagine shimmering rainbow light shining down through the top of your head and filling your body.

Notice how you feel.

Good job! Thank you!

Click here to listen to this healing meditation

Would you like to get clarity, so you can start creating a richly fulfilling life, one inspired step at a time?

It can be hard to lift away your blocks to clarity all by yourself.

The good news is, you don’t have to.

If you would like to experience more healings, please join us for the FREE “Get Clarity Here and Now” healing circle on Tuesday, March 13, 2018.

Healing Circle warren-wong-323107-unsplash

We meet at 5 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time online and by phone, so you can join us from anywhere in the world … and I would love it if you do.

In this 30-minute healing meditation, you will:

  • Discover why you have felt confused about what you want – and clear it up
  • Release unconscious beliefs like “I can never have what I want” and “If I know what I want I’ll have to do something about it,” which block clarity from coming to you
  • Gain a new understanding of what is possible for you so you can get on with creating the richly fulfilling life you deserve

Can’t make the live call? Sign up anyway to get access to the limited-time replay.

If you are DONE with floundering and flopping your way through life, check out this healing circle. You never know. One idea could change your life.